Enter code lego batman - 45 фото

LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham - Cheat Codes - YouTube

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The cheats for this game are entered at the title screen. This is the screen where it has Batman standing on the building.
LEGO Batman: The Videogame Cheats
  • ZAQ637 - Unlock Alfred Pennyworth.
  • JKR331 - Unlock Batgirl.
  • BDJ327 - Unlock Bruce Wayne.
  • M1AAWW - Unlock Classic Catwoman.
  • HJK327 - Unlock Clown Goon.
  • DDP967 - Unlock Commissioner Gordon.
  • HGY748 - Unlock Fishmonger.
  • XVK541 - Unlock Freeze Girl.
Enter one of the codes below to unlock the corresponding character.
  • V3GTHB - Aquaman.
  • ZGCEAJ - Atrocitus.
  • XZKLKQ - Bane.
  • 4LS32K - Batgirl.
  • ZWQPJD - Batman (Planet X, Zur-En-Arrh)
  • YC3KZZ - Beast Boy.
  • APEKBV - Blue Beetle.
  • 5SW59X - Deathstroke.
To unlock the characters and vehicles below, insert the corresponding code into the in-game cheats menu.
  1. Alfred - ZAQ637.
  2. Batgirl - JKR331.
  3. Bat Tank - KNTT4B.
  4. Bruce Wayne - BDJ327.
  5. Bruce Wayne's Jet - LEA664.
  6. Catwoman - M1AAWW.
  7. Catwoman's Motorcycle - HPL826.
  8. Commissioner Gordon - DDP967.
To use a discount code to save money on your LEGO.com order:
  1. Once you've got everything in your bag, click on 'My Bag'.
  2. Open the 'Add a promo / Insiders discount code' section and enter your code.
  3. Click 'Checkout Securely' to finish placing your order. To proceed with Express Checkout, click 'Pay with PayPal'.

LEGO Batman Walkthrough Gameplay No Commentary - All Cheat Codes + Buying Stuff

LEGO Batman Walkthrough Gameplay No Commentary - All Cheat Codes + Buying Stuff Link for all the codes...

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